Missions Door exists to assist local churches and Christ followers in their efforts to evangelize, disciple and plant churches among the unreached of our world.
When we look at our mission statement, it speaks to us about overall purpose—what we are about, what we exist for—the business of Missions Door. We’ve been told our mission statement is unusual and non-traditional. While it may not fit all of the normal expectations of a traditional mission statement, we believe it reflects the core of what God has called us to be and do.
Come with us . . .
Following Jesus ChristWorking together as culturally-diverse peopleGenerating faith communities
Following Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is central to all we’re about. He is our Lord, our Master and Supreme Commander. He is our Savior, the only one who grants forgiveness and a new beginning for life. He is our Guide, the one whose example and teaching we follow as we ask ourselves, What would Jesus do? He is our Companion and the one whose presence empowers us for service. In all that we do, we purpose to follow Jesus Christ and invite others to do so as well.
Working together as culturally-diverse people
Following Jesus Christ and making Him known is the job of every Christian and every church. No single person, church or ministry can go it alone and be effective. We believe the work of Christ’s Kingdom requires teamwork—people and churches and ministries working together. Because our world is populated with people from diverse backgrounds and because Jesus is calling people from every language, race, economic group and culture to Himself, we enthusiastically work together as a multicultural missionary family.
Generating faith communities
The goal of missions is new followers of Jesus who join together in communities of faith. We believe every believer needs to be a part of a local fellowship of Christians who are learning and serving together in obedience to Jesus Christ. In addition to relating new believers to existing local fellowships, we are committed to launching new faith communities which will relevantly proclaim and demonstrate the good news of Jesus Christ to the unreached people around them.